Troy Tiger Answers

How a Public Adjuster conducts a property inspection

Troy Tiger explains how a Public Adjuster conducts a property inspection

Hey there, folks! It's your friendly neighborhood, Troy Tiger from Tiger Adjusters®. I'm here to break down how a Public Adjuster inspects your property after it's been through the wringer. Think of a Public Adjuster conducting a property inspection as an investigator.

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inspection Steps

Step 1: The Meet-and-Greet

First off, the Public Adjuster will want to chat with you to get the lowdown on what happened. They'll ask about the incident, the extent of the damage, and any other details.

Be prepared for the Public Adjuster property inspection by securing the following documentation:

  1. Your insurance policy and any additional supplemental policy paperwork.
  2. Any photos or videos you took of the building damage.  
  3. If there is personal property damage (furniture, clothing, business inventory, etc), any photos, videos or documented lists you created of the personal property damage.
Tiger Adjuster Public Adjuster talking with a client about conducting a home inspection
"How do I assess and document damage to ensure a fair settlement? Upon arrival to the home, after greeting the homeowner and having a brief discussion, I ask them to kind of walk me through the areas they're most concerned about. What have they noticed?"
Public Adjuster, Sheldon Sutphen

Step 2: The Property Inspection Grand Tour

Next, it's time for the Public Adjuster to don their detective hat and inspect the damage. They'll walk through your property, inside and out, taking notes, measuring and creating a 2D or 3D sketch, snapping photos, and maybe even shooting some video. They're looking for things like water damage, fire damage, wind damage—you name it. If it's busted, they're documenting it.

Tiger Adjusters Public Adjuster Property Inspection Checklist

Inspection Checklist

Public Adjusters at Tiger Adjusters® utilize a property inspection checklist to thoroughly document a claim. How old is the building? What rooms / areas are damaged? What kind of damage? Etc.

2D or 3D Measurement Sketch taken by the Public Adjuster

2D or 3D Sketch

A Public Adjuster will take measurements of the damaged areas of the building and record them via a 2D or 3D "sketch". 3D sketches utilize LiDAR technology (Light Detection and Ranging) to measure depth, height and width.

Property Inspection Documentation


Detailed documentation is a key part of a Public Adjuster successfully negotiating with the insurance carrier. Public Adjusters at Tiger Adjusters® are trained to effectively document damage to increase the odds of a fully covered claim settlement.

Thermo imaging used within a property inspection


While documenting damage, a Public Adjuster will often use extra measurements such as moisture meters, thermo scans, snake cameras, and drones to document damage.

Public Adjuster reviewing a 3D LiDAR scan
"I always start an inspection at the point of entry of the major damage. I document from the ceiling to the floor of the dwelling followed by notes and documenting personal property (furniture, clothing, etc). Having this system means that way every inch of the room is documented."
Public Adjuster, Sheldon Sutphen

Inspecting Roof Damage

When it comes to documenting roof damage, a Public Adjuster needs to document all damage, including subtle damage, with photos and notes, CSI style. Roof leaks are like bad exes—persistent and damaging. Dents from hail? Wind tossing shingles like frisbees? Tree limbs trying to move in rent-free? It all gets measured and documented.

"For roofs, first thing I do is document what type of shingle it is, the pitch of the roof and the drip edge, any underlayment that may be there. Next, I take overviews of each slope, starting on the front slope, then right then back, then left and document any damages I find on each one."
Public Adjuster, Sheldon Sutphen
Public Adjuster on roof conducting a roof inspection
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Inspection's over

What's next?

Public Adjuster reviewing a property inspection checklist

Review Inspection

Because you deserve more than just a shrug from your insurance company, after the inspection, the Public Adjuster will review with you all the damage that was found and make sure all is in order for pushing the insurance claim forward. Maximum documentation equals maximum odds at a good settlement.

Public Adjuster discussing insurance policy with a client

Review Policy

Be honest—did you actually read the fine print of your insurance policy? No? Thought so. Don’t worry, you’re not alone—those things are like bedtime stories for insomniacs. After the inspection, the Public Adjuster will review your insurance policy and answer any questions you have.

Public Adjuster with client signing Letter of Representation

Letter of Representation

The Public Adjuster will also review with you their Letter of Representation—basically, your golden ticket to having the Public Adjuster be your insurance claim solution champion to handle your insurance drama.

Next Steps

After a signed Letter of Representation

Once you've signed the Letter of Representation with a Public Adjuster, you've authorized them to talk to your insurance company on your behalf, negotiate like a pro, and battle the corporate red tape so you don’t have to. You sit back, relax, and let them do all the heavy lifting. Oh, and it also means the insurer can’t ghost you anymore—they have to deal with the pro. Boom.

Step 3: The Loss Estimate

After the inspection and the signed Letter of Representation, the Public Adjuster will compile all their findings into a detailed report called a Loss Estimate. This bad boy will include the Public Adjusters notes, observations, photos, videos, 2D or 3D sketches and an estimate of what it'll cost to fix everything -- it's crucial for your claim.

A quality Public Adjuster understands how vital it is to make sure that costs are not over-looked so that you, the property owner, do not have to cover anything out-of-pocket if it should be covered by your insurance policy. When a Public Adjuster tally's up the damage and presents a repair estimate that makes the insurance company go, “Oh, crud,” they have to be able to defend it.

Public Adjuster creating a Loss Estimate in Xactimate
"When you write a Loss Estimate and you're throwing all these things in you always need to keep in mind, if I was to ever be called for a deposition, could I defend my estimate? Do I have proof that this item and this item and this item needs to be replaced or needs to be repaired?"
Public Adjuster, Sheldon Sutphen

Step 4: The Negotiation Dance

Once the Loss Estimate is ready, the Public Adjuster will submit it to your insurance company and start the negotiation tango. They'll advocate on your behalf to make sure you get a fair settlement. It's like having a skilled mercenary in your corner, but instead of swords, they're wielding paperwork.

"A typical homeowner insurance claim can last anywhere from 30 to 120 days to fully settle if negotiation goes well with the insurance carrier and the Public Adjuster was involved at the start of the claim. It really depends on how responsive the insurance carrier is in the negotiation process."
Public Adjuster, Brendan Steinbrecher
Public Adjuster negotiation

Step 5: The Settlement

Even after the dust has settled with all settlement checks in the bank (literally), a good Public Adjuster will stick around to make sure everything is squared away. They'll help with any additional paperwork, answer your questions, and ensure you're satisfied with the outcome. Because nothing says "hero" like thorough follow-up.

Public Adjuster holding a settlement check
"After reaching out for days to the insurance carriers -- all those calls, emails, texts, re-inspections done, material lab tests submitted, etc -- it is always so satisfying to reach the final settlement offer. All checks in, client happy, claim closed!"
Public Adjuster, Stewart Severino
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